Tuesday, August 29, 2006

it's official... I'm moving to singapore

As part of its Intelligent Nation 2015 program, the island nation will be able to boast of countrywide Wi-Fi coverage in a few months, Bill Chang, executive vice president of wireless service provider SingTel, said in a recent interview.

"At the end of the year, Singapore will be one mega hot spot," he said. "They are breaking Singapore into three regions and looking at ways to maximize coverage."

<intelligent nation 2015>

Saturday, August 26, 2006

How Opal Mehta Got Kissed, Got Wild, and Got A Life

It's Legally Blond in reverse—a super-serious straight-A student turns popular girl to get into Harvard—courtesy of real-life Harvard sophomore Viswanathan, making her much-touted debut. At her Harvard early admissions interview, Opal Mehta, an NRI (or "Non-Resident Indian") from suburban Woodcliff, N.J., is told that Harvard is looking for "young people who want to live and experience life." Opal, in turn, tells her extremely involved, hilariously drawn parents Amal and Meena, who come up with a plan complete with acronym: HOWGAL—How Opal Will Get a Life. It includes getting a Frederic Fekkai haircut, amassing a designer wardrobe and cracking the Haute Bitchez clique—with the complete O.C. on DVD as prep. While Opal's first steps falter, she is soon trading clothes and lip gloss with the trendy elite. But disaster follows success: not only does Opal end up kissing Sean, the object of another of the Haute Bitchez' affections, but her Treo falls into the wrong hands, à la Harriet the Spy. It's all very chick lit—girl gets problem, gets Prada, gets over it—but it's a lot of fun, and Viswanathan's eye-rolling intelligence shines through on every page.


Friday, August 25, 2006

watch the beeb

NEW YORK (Reuters) - The British Broadcasting Corp. on Thursday said it is bringing its BBC World news channel to the United States in a bid to capture American audiences hungry for international news.


StreetWars - Yet another reason why SF rocks

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Rahtis future

no doubt this is the life retish will lead to in the future.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Adobe Youth Voices

Adobe Youth Voices is a global philanthropic initiative that empowers youth worldwide to comment on their world using multimedia and digital tools to communicate and share their ideas, demonstrate their potential, and take action in their communities. Adobe Youth Voices employs an integrated approach in and out of the classroom to show the power technology brings to learning and enable middle- and high-school age youth to think creatively, communicate effectively, and work collaboratively — critical 21st century skills.


the avon lady

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

the Brown Immigrant Woman of Pepsi

"Being a woman, being foreign-born, you've got to be smarter than anyone else,"

Indian born Indra Nooyi is now the new CEO of pepsi. Pepsi is now one of the biggest American companies to be run by a woman. She has an interesting history of thoughts on being an immigrant and being a woman in the work environment. Here are some articles on her...


I say Payaal Patel for CEO!

How to make Naan Bread


Monday, August 14, 2006

Galloway does his thang

Anna from SKY news interviews George Galloway (UK MP) in this 9 minute clip. Seriously, this guy has the biggest balls in Britain.


Kwhy You Skype?

"Talk is cheap and getting cheaper" proclaims a BBC article on VoIP and Skype. Not in the UAE it isn't, nor in other countries that ban internet telephony. But as users find myriad ways to get around the blocks, it's the short-sighted telcos who will ultimately lose out.


Man Push Cart

Every night while the city sleeps, Ahmad, a Pakistani immigrant, struggles to drag his heavy cart along the streets of New York to his corner in Midtown Manhattan. And every morning, from inside his cart he sells coffee and donuts to a city he cannot call his own. He is the worker found on every street corner in every city. He is a man who wonders if he will ever escape his fate.


Qatar Foundation

powered by ODEO

Iran's president starts blogging

State-run television announced the blog's launch on Sunday, urging the public to send written messages to the president through the website.

In his first entry Ahmadinejad wrote about his childhood, the country's Islamic revolution and Iran's war with Iraq.


<his blog>

Das Fraulein

A film about three female migrants from the former Yugoslavia has won the prestigious Golden Leopard award at the Locarno International Film Festival.

The Swiss-German production Das Fraulein (The Young Lady) is the story of an encounter between the three immigrants, who settle in Switzerland.

<bbc link>

Palm Islands

Clell Tickle: Indie Marketing Guru

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Jashn-e-Azadi Mubarak!!!

Happy Independence day!!!

August 14 for us Pakistanis
August 15 for our Indian brothers and sisters


Logo is a simple but powerful programming language for children devised by Seymour Papert, Danny Bobrow, Wally Feurzig and others at MIT and Bolt Beranek & Newman in the mid 60s. Even though it is refreshingly simple like one of its ancestors JOSS, it also has many of the powers of its other ancestor Lisp.

Logowiki is potentially one of the softwares to be shipped with the $100 laptop. The goal of the software is to teach children how to program. It's really quite fun and easy to play with. If it's good for small kids it should be just about right for the designer mind as well.

Netherlands does most for the poor

The Netherlands is the rich nation which does the most to improve lives in developing countries, a Center for Global Development (CGD) report says.

The UK is 12th in the annual Commitment to Development Index of the world's 21 richest nations and Japan ranked last.


Commitment Index
1. Netherlands
2. Denmark
3. Sweden
4. Norway
5. New Zealand
6. Australia
7. Finland
8. Austria
9. Germany
10. Canada

<Center for Global Development>

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Ted Talks

Each year, TED hosts some of the world's most fascinating people: Trusted voices and convention-breaking mavericks, icons and geniuses. The talks they deliver have had had such a great impact, we thought they deserved a wider audience. So now - with our sponsor BMW and production partner WNYC/New York Public Radio we're sharing some of the most remarkable TED talks with the world at large. Each week, we'll release a new talk, in audio and video, to download or watch online. For best effect, plan to listen to at least three, start to finish. They have a cumulative effect...


Saturday, August 05, 2006

I have something special for you Businessborg:-)!

Another normal day amongst the hustle and bustle on Quetta Starbase 0926 In orbit around Faisalabad Prime, Robostani Droid rD54 has a special delivery for His Owlness. I'm not going to tell you what it is but it could be the Cybordyne Key of Pandora's Westernization that has unleashed the all consuming assimilating Businessborg across half the known galaxy for the last 800 million years. Recently recovered on Asteroid Rrbion 320 in the rings of Planet Zathoron 12B by the Interstellar Rebel Alliance and Pakistani Starfleet Command it is believed that if the key is brought back to the Unihivematrix Core Prototon Backbreaching System Regulator the Businessborg could be disabled for good releasing all lifeforms from the commercializing grip of the Businessborg's Pop'o'Brainwashing vision linkage.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Chicken Shawarma

Chicken Shawarma, originally uploaded by Beholder.

Oh what is the secret!
You can never make a proper shawarma at home... but there has to be a way... i must discover the secret to the recipe when I go back home this summer.

Shawarma in Taipei

Shawarma in Taipei, originally uploaded by toyohara.

and why not....
it's the best food in the world..

Indostani Intergalactic Pakistan


pieta, originally uploaded by mazen kerbaj.
