Monday, August 22, 2005

Me and my New friend

So the other day I was sitting at the bus stop, going to work. There are other people waiting too, the guy next to me asks which bus I’m waiting for. The bus won’t arrive for another 20 minutes so we chat for a bit…

New friend: “Hi, you waiting for Bus 2?”
Me: “yeah, it’s never on time, just missed the last one”
New friend: “I usually take a later bus; I thought I had never seen you before, I usually take a later bus”
Me: “I just moved here recently”
New friend: “Where are you from actually?
My thoughts: What to answer today? That my father is from North Africa or that my mother is Northern European? Or that I grew up in Switzerland but I now live in Italy, and previously in America, hmmmmm…..I’ll go for
Me: “I grew up in Switzerland”
New friend: “Your English is so good, where did you learn to speak it”

And the conversation goes like that until most often my new friend thinks I must be the most confused person in the world! I always reassure them that it’s not the worst thing that could happen to you. It’s actually quite nice and exciting, it’s a good conversation starter. “where are you from?” “actually, I don’t know”

“Where are you from?”
“Actually, I don’t know.”

by Hayat

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