Tuesday, November 01, 2005


So I got a iPOD video for my birthday... and this is what it did to my computer. Thank god my moleskin still turns on. Siiiigh.... took me hours to get it working again and she's still not feeling well.

Nationless Rule #43 : Don't ever let technology drag you down with it.

Computers have sucidical personalities. Don't expect them to outlive you.

Never depend on anything not to break, get lost, or stolen. Being nationless means being able to draw on napkins with ketchup if you have to. If put inside a locked empty room with white walls, draw with your mind (or get the gaurd to smuggle you a crayon). ^_^


Anonymous said...

Mr. Anderson,

Looks like your computer is decoding the matrix...
Should have taken the blue pill.

Agent Smith

Anonymous said...

Always take the red pill!
