It's always been a dream of mine (and a secret reason behiend this blog) to become a travel writer. Perhaps I've read too much Bill Bryson and Anthony Bourdain but it simply seems like the most amazing job of all. You get paid to wander around the world and all you have to do is commit to paper how you feel about it. O if Ionly it were as easy as that. Maybe I can get a tv show like Micheal Palin. ; )
Naive optimism, plenty of pluck and a dash of coincidence: that's all it takes to become a travel writer. Sit at Don's feet and find out how you too could get paid to tread the globe.
<find out>
I think to be a good writer, you have to enjoy what you write. If you enjoy what you write, chances that it is good are high. I think this applies to most writers. If you dont enjoy your own writing, then it best not to, especially if you are considering a career in it.
Try this assignment. Read something you wrote a while back (6 months or older) and see if it still stirs you.
Stuff i wrote a logn time ago always suprises me... it's always better than I remember it.
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