Sunday, November 20, 2005

Anish Kapoor

Anish Kapoor is a world renowned sculptor and artist. I've run across his work before, except I didn't know who the sculptor was. It's the what I call the metal jelly bean in Chicago's Mellenium Park. Anyhow, check out his stuff... It's brill. It reminds me of the time when I found out that Bose was a desi guy.

There's a tendency for me to think that there isn't a lot of modern art being done by any of the desi community (Bose, though an innovator, is really more a engineer than a designer). Even as a designer myself I seem to discount a lot of south asian work because little has really moved me. Too much of it pulls the foreign card to make itself heard and therefore seems like a bastardization of the culture to create quaint crafty art. Kapoor is different. He is frankly amazing on a global scale. His work stands with the best of them. Sometimes I think you need to prove yourself at that level before you should be allowed to represent your culture. God, If I see another art project on desi weddings.

What other great desi artists and designers are out there that we don't know about?

<tate collection>
<wikipedia entry>

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That bean is smokin...
where can i get one???
